Source code for openflexure_stage.basic_serial_instrument

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module defines a chopped-out class from nplab_.
It is a basic serial instrument class to simplify the process of interfacing with 
equipment that talks on a serial port.  The idea is that your instrument can
subclass :class:`BasicSerialInstrument` and provide methods to control the
hardware, which will mostly consist of `self.query()` commands.

The :class:`QueriedProperty` class is a convenient shorthand to create a property
that is read and/or set with a single serial query (i.e. a read followed by a write).

.. module_author: Richard Rowman (c) 2017, released under GNU GPL
.. _nplab:

from __future__ import print_function, division
import re
from functools import partial
import threading
import serial
import io
import time
import warnings

[docs]class BasicSerialInstrument(object): """ An instrument that communicates by sending strings back and forth over serial This base class provides commonly-used mechanisms that support the use of serial instruments. Most interactions with this class involve a call to the `query` method. This writes a message and returns the reply. This has been hacked together from the nplab_ MessageBusInstrument and SerialInstrument classes. **Threading Notes** The message bus protocol includes a property, `communications_lock`. All commands that use the communications bus should be protected by this lock. It's also permissible to use it to protect sequences of calls to the bus that must be atomic (e.g. a multi-part exchange of messages). However, try not to hold it too long - or odd things might happen if other threads are blocked for a long time. The lock is reentrant so there's no issue with acquiring it twice. """ termination_character = "\n" #: All messages to or from the instrument end with this character. termination_line = None #: If multi-line responses are recieved, they must end with this string ignore_echo = False port_settings = {} def __init__(self, port=None, **kwargs): """ Set up the serial port and so on. """ self.port_settings.update(kwargs), False) # Eventually this shouldn't rely on init...
[docs] def open(self, port=None, quiet=True): """Open communications with the serial port. If no port is specified, it will attempt to autodetect. If quiet=True then we don't warn when ports are opened multiple times. """ with self.communications_lock: if hasattr(self,'_ser') and self._ser.isOpen(): if not quiet: print("Warning: attempted to open an already-open port!") return if port is None: port=self.find_port() assert port is not None, "We don't have a serial port to open, meaning you didn't specify a valid port and autodetection failed. Are you sure the instrument is connected?" self._ser = serial.Serial(port,**self.port_settings) #the block above wraps the serial IO layer with a text IO layer #this allows us to read/write in neat lines. NB the buffer size must #be set to 1 byte for maximum responsiveness. assert self.test_communications(), "The instrument doesn't seem to be responding. Did you specify the right port?"
[docs] def close(self): """Release the serial port""" with self.communications_lock: try: self._ser.close() except Exception as e: print("The serial port didn't close cleanly:", e)
def __del__(self): """Close the port when the object is deleted NB if the object is created in a with statement, this will cause the port to be closed at the end of the with block.""" self.close() def __enter__(self): """When we use this in a with statement, it should be opened already""" self._position_on_enter = self.position return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): """Close down the instrument. This happens in __del__ though.""" if type is not None: print("An exception occurred inside a with block, resetting ") "position to its value at the start of the with block" self.move_abs(self._position_on_enter)
[docs] def write(self,query_string): """Write a string to the serial port""" with self.communications_lock: assert self._ser.isOpen(), "Attempted to write to the serial port before it was opened. Perhaps you need to call the 'open' method first?" # try: # if self._ser.outWaiting()>0: self._ser.flushOutput() #ensure there's nothing waiting # except AttributeError: # if self._ser.out_waiting>0: self._ser.flushOutput() #ensure there's nothing waiting data=query_string+self.termination_character data=data.encode() self._ser.write(data)
[docs] def flush_input_buffer(self): """Make sure there's nothing waiting to be read, and clear the buffer if there is.""" with self.communications_lock: if self._ser.inWaiting()>0: self._ser.flushInput()
[docs] def readline(self, timeout=None): """Read one line from the serial port.""" with self.communications_lock: return self._ser.readline().decode('utf8').replace(self.termination_character,"\n")
_communications_lock = None @property def communications_lock(self): """A lock object used to protect access to the communications bus""" # This requires initialisation but our init method won't be called - so # the property initialises it on first use. if self._communications_lock is None: self._communications_lock = threading.RLock() return self._communications_lock # def write(self,query_string): # """Write a string to the unerlying communications port""" # with self.communications_lock: # raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses of MessageBusInstrument must override the write method!") # def flush_input_buffer(self): # """Make sure there's nothing waiting to be read. # # This function should be overridden to make sure nothing's lurking in # the input buffer that could confuse a query. # """ # with self.communications_lock: # pass # def readline(self, timeout=None): # """Read one line from the underlying bus. Must be overriden.""" # with self.communications_lock: # raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses of MessageBusInstrument must override the readline method!")
[docs] def read_multiline(self, termination_line=None, timeout=None): """Read one line from the underlying bus. Must be overriden. This should not need to be reimplemented unless there's a more efficient way of reading multiple lines than multiple calls to readline().""" with self.communications_lock: if termination_line is None: termination_line = self.termination_line assert isinstance(termination_line, str), "If you perform a multiline query, you must specify a termination line either through the termination_line keyword argument or the termination_line property of the NPSerialInstrument." response = "" last_line = "dummy" while termination_line not in last_line and len(last_line) > 0: #read until we get the termination line. last_line = self.readline(timeout) response += last_line return response
[docs] def query(self,queryString,multiline=False,termination_line=None,timeout=None): """ Write a string to the stage controller and return its response. It will block until a response is received. The multiline and termination_line commands will keep reading until a termination phrase is reached. """ with self.communications_lock: self.flush_input_buffer() self.write(queryString) if self.ignore_echo == True: # Needs Implementing for a multiline read! first_line = self.readline(timeout).strip() if first_line == queryString: return self.readline(timeout).strip() else: print('This command did not echo!!!') return first_line if termination_line is not None: multiline = True if multiline: return self.read_multiline(termination_line) else: return self.readline(timeout).strip() #question: should we strip the final newline?
[docs] def parsed_query(self, query_string, response_string=r"%d", re_flags=0, parse_function=None, **kwargs): """ Perform a query, returning a parsed form of the response. First query the instrument with the given query string, then compare the response against a template. The template may contain text and placeholders (e.g. %i and %f for integer and floating point values respectively). Regular expressions are also allowed - each group is considered as one item to be parsed. However, currently it's not supported to use both % placeholders and regular expressions at the same time. If placeholders %i, %f, etc. are used, the returned values are automatically converted to integer or floating point, otherwise you must specify a parsing function (applied to all groups) or a list of parsing functions (applied to each group in turn). """ response_regex = response_string noop = lambda x: x #placeholder null parse function placeholders = [ #tuples of (regex matching placeholder, regex to replace it with, parse function) (r"%c",r".", noop), (r"%(\d+)c",r".{\1}", noop), #TODO support %cn where n is a number of chars (r"%d",r"[-+]?\d+", int), (r"%[eEfg]",r"[-+]?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?", float), (r"%i",r"[-+]?(?:0[xX][\dA-Fa-f]+|0[0-7]*|\d+)", lambda x: int(x, 0)), #0=autodetect base (r"%o",r"[-+]?[0-7]+", lambda x: int(x, 8)), #8 means octal (r"%s",r"\S+",noop), (r"%u",r"\d+",int), (r"%[xX]",r"[-+]?(?:0[xX])?[\dA-Fa-f]+",lambda x: int(x, 16)), #16 forces hexadecimal ] matched_placeholders = [] for placeholder, regex, parse_fun in placeholders: response_regex = re.sub(placeholder, '('+regex+')', response_regex) #substitute regex for placeholder matched_placeholders.extend([(parse_fun, m.start()) for m in re.finditer(placeholder, response_string)]) #save the positions of the placeholders if parse_function is None: parse_function = [f for f, s in sorted(matched_placeholders, key=lambda m: m[1])] #order parse functions by their occurrence in the original string if not hasattr(parse_function,'__iter__'): parse_function = [parse_function] #make sure it's a list. reply = self.query(query_string, **kwargs) #do the query #if match this could be because another response entered the buffer between write and read. Sleep for short while then #check if something is now in the buffer, while the buffer is not empty repeat regex waited=False, reply, flags=re_flags) while res is None: if not waited: time.sleep(.1) waited=True original_reply = reply if self._ser.inWaiting(): reply = self.readline().strip(), reply, flags=re_flags) if res is not None: warnings.warn("Query suceeded after initially receieving unmatched response ('%s') to '%s'. Match pattern /%s/ (generated regex /%s/)"%(original_reply, query_string, response_string, response_regex),RuntimeWarning) else: raise ValueError("Stage response to '%s' ('%s') wasn't matched by /%s/ (generated regex /%s/)" % (query_string, original_reply, response_string, response_regex)) try: parsed_result= [f(g) for f, g in zip(parse_function, res.groups())] #try to apply each parse function to its argument if len(parsed_result) == 1: return parsed_result[0] else: return parsed_result except ValueError: print("Parsing Error") print("Matched Groups:", res.groups()) print("Parsing Functions:", parse_function) raise ValueError("Stage response to %s ('%s') couldn't be parsed by the supplied function" % (query_string, reply))
[docs] def int_query(self, query_string, **kwargs): """Perform a query and return the result(s) as integer(s) (see parsedQuery)""" return self.parsed_query(query_string, "%d", **kwargs)
[docs] def float_query(self, query_string, **kwargs): """Perform a query and return the result(s) as float(s) (see parsedQuery)""" return self.parsed_query(query_string, "%f", **kwargs)
#@staticmethod # this was an attempt at making a property factory - now using a descriptor #def queried_property(self, get_cmd, set_cmd, dtype='float', docstring=''): # get_func = self.float_query if dtype=='float' else self.query # return property(fget=partial(get_func, get_cmd), fset=self.write, docstring=docstring)
[docs] def test_communications(self): """Check if the device is available on the current port. This should be overridden by subclasses. Assume the port has been successfully opened and the settings are as defined by self.port_settings. Usually this function sends a command and checks for a known reply.""" with self.communications_lock: return True
[docs] def find_port(self): """Iterate through the available serial ports and query them to see if our instrument is there.""" with self.communications_lock: success = False for port_name, _, _ in #loop through serial ports, apparently 256 is the limit?! try: print("Trying port",port_name) success = True print("Success!") except: pass finally: try: self.close() except: pass #we don't care if there's an error closing the port... if success: break #again, make sure this happens *after* closing the port if success: return port_name else: return None
[docs]class OptionalModule(object): """This allows a `BasicSerialInstrument` to have optional features. OptionalModule is designed as a base class for interfacing with optional modules which may or may not be included with the serial instrument, and can be added or removed at run-time. """ def __init__(self,available,parent=None,module_type="Undefined",model="Generic"): assert type(available) is bool, 'Option module availablity should be a boolean not a {}'.format(type(available)) self._available=available self._parent=parent assert type(module_type) is str, 'Option module type should be a string not a {}'.format(type(module_typ)) self.module_type=module_type if available: assert type(model) is str, 'Option module type should be a string not a {}'.format(type(model)) self.model=model else: self.model=None @property def available(self): return self._available
[docs] def confirm_available(self): """Check if module is available, no return, will raise exception if not available!""" assert self._available, "No \"{}\" supported on firmware".format(self.module_type)
[docs] def describe(self): """Consistently spaced desciption for listing modules""" return self.module_type+" "*(25-len(self.module_type))+"- "+self.model
[docs]class QueriedProperty(object): """A Property interface that reads and writes from the instrument on the bus. This returns a property-like (i.e. a descriptor) object. You can use it in a class definition just like a property. The property it creates will interact with the instrument over the communication bus to set and retrieve its value. It uses calls to `BasicSerialInstrument.parsed_query` to set or get the value of the property. `QueriedProperty` can be used to define properties on a `BasicSerialInstrument` or an `OptionalModule` (in which case the `BasicSerialInstrument.parsed_query` method of the parent object will be used). Arguments: :get_cmd: the string sent to the instrument to obtain the value :set_cmd: the string used to set the value (use {} or % placeholders) :validate: a list of allowable values :valrange: a maximum and minimum value :fdel: a function to call when it's deleted :doc: the docstring :response_string: supply a % code (as you would for response_string in a ``BasicSerialInstrument.parsed_query``) :ack_writes: set to "readline" to discard a line of input after writing. """ def __init__(self, get_cmd=None, set_cmd=None, validate=None, valrange=None, fdel=None, doc=None, response_string=None, ack_writes="no"): self.response_string = response_string self.get_cmd = get_cmd self.set_cmd = set_cmd self.validate = validate self.valrange = valrange self.fdel = fdel self.ack_writes = ack_writes self.__doc__ = doc # TODO: standardise the return (single value only vs parsed result), consider bool def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None): #print 'get', obj, objtype if issubclass(type(obj),OptionalModule): obj.confirm_available() obj=obj._parent if obj is None: return self assert issubclass(type(obj),BasicSerialInstrument) if self.get_cmd is None: raise AttributeError("unreadable attribute") # Allow certain "magic" values to set the response string for key, val in [('float',r"%f"), ('int',r"%d"),]: if self.response_string == key: self.response_string = val if self.response_string in ['bool', 'raw', None]: value = obj.query(self.get_cmd) if self.response_string == 'bool': value = bool(value) else: value = obj.parsed_query(self.get_cmd, self.response_string) return value def __set__(self, obj, value): #print 'set', obj, value if issubclass(type(obj),OptionalModule): obj.confirm_available() obj=obj._parent assert issubclass(type(obj),BasicSerialInstrument) if self.set_cmd is None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute") if self.validate is not None: if value not in self.validate: raise ValueError('invalid value supplied - value must be one of {}'.format(self.validate)) if self.valrange is not None: if value < min(self.valrange) or value > max(self.valrange): raise ValueError('invalid value supplied - value must be in the range {}-{}'.format(*self.valrange)) message = self.set_cmd if '{0' in message: message = message.format(value) elif '%' in message: message = message % value obj.write(message) if self.ack_writes == "readline": obj.readline() def __delete__(self, obj): if self.fdel is None: raise AttributeError("can't delete attribute") self.fdel(obj)